Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Awesome weekend

The weekend of February 28 and March 1 my Dog club, Cascade Schutzhund Club, had two of the top Training Directors from other clubs come spend the weekend working dogs and givings us pointers. Brett Titus is from Colorado, while Glen Crawford is from Utah. One of the many nice things is these two are similar in style to our current Training Director, Les Flores. It made it easier to understand what they were suggesting and yet gave a different set of eyes to see how the dog/handler teams were progressing and some pointers.

We spent over two full days working dogs, and working dogs some more. And our club being what it is, we also spent a good portion of the time eating some excellent food! Not canned chilli or hot dogs at this event. Oh no..... We had 5-star eating until people couldn't eat any more.

I was very happy with my two girls. Ccatti is semi-retired after her traffic safe test as she does not have the tracking foundation needed, and right now time does not permit me to do the work needed to fix that gap. Maybe one day. In the meantime we go have lots of fun, be distractions when needed for others doing obedience, and Ccatti gets to help teach new helpers how to handle a strong dog. A job she does well while enjoying herself.

Boa had strained a leg muscle so had been on rest until very shortly before this weekend. I was so worried she would not be ready to work but she was! And work she did. She was so happy to get back at it she got a little pushy for her. We learned some new things working through that! And she got to race Glen on a long attack, Glen is fast but Boa even out of shape did quite well. I would like to see that again when Boa is really in shape!

Some of the nice club members were helping me with the video camera so I got some of each girl working. What a treat for me. :) These videos are posted in my youtubes account in the sidebar. There are six videos total of Ccatti and Boa from February 28 and March 1. All three of us girls having fun!

All of us are looking forward to more weekends like this. And it gives Les a chance to say "see? I've told you that's how to do it!"

Thanks Les for inviting them. Thanks Brett and Glen for accepting to come see us and work dogs. Thanks to the great club members who pitched in and made this a weekend to remember!

Schutzhund: Track, Obey, Protect

Monday, February 9, 2009

All sorts of stuff!

Leave No Trace (LNT) is something I learned about a few years ago. What a great idea to leave a place as good, or better, then you found it. Most people equate the LNT concept with wilderness areas. It’s so much more then that. Next time you take a hike, go fishing, or even to your local park, take a look around and take a few minutes to do some picking up. Maybe get in the habit of picking up even one little shopping bag full of garbage left behind by others. If we all pitch in we could Leave No Trace for those that want to enjoy the same recreation we do. Without LNT, more and more places are being closed to public access. What a sad day to find out a favorite trail, lake, or stream is no longer open because the stewards of the land could no longer keep up with cleaning up.

There’s been a touch of spring in the air the last few days. At least until the snow flurry this morning! Being able to do a few outside projects helps make the winter blues take a step back. I still haven’t found the nerve to tear into the kennel roof yet. Once I start I have to finish. That may well be a next summer project when I don’t have to worry about rain.

A friend of mine is following the tradition of Pay it Forward. Those of us lucky enough to respond and pay forward ourselves will be getting a special something from Franna. And believe me, she makes some wonderful special something’s. You can see some of Franna’s wonderful makings on her blog Musings and Ramblings of the Shepherd, PhD.

Here’s the Pay Forward offer along with the catch! The first five people that leave a comment will receive something made by me. Franna’s post on home made bread gave me some ideas to give a big hint. The catch is you must make the same offer on either your blog or on a forum I’m a member of. Someplace I get to see. :)

Think Spring!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Past and Future

Time to catch up with my blog. Here is just a short note on the recent past and a planned spring vacation.

The recent past:
With the snow and rain things were a bit cold and soggy. I was lucky compared to many; damage wise I only had the kennel roof collapse. It is still somewhat usable so will get fixed as time permits. It keeps the dogs out of the rain, though has some interesting sags now. Otherwise the cold and wet was an inconvenience for me, devastation for many others.

My upcoming vacation:
I am on a count down to my spring learning vacation. I have signed up for a four-day camp cook school. The class is held by Royal Tine out in the beautiful Phillipsburg, Montana area. The class covers all sorts of methods to cook when camping with no power. I’ve wanted to learn Dutch oven cooking and this will be a huge step in that direction. Other activities will include trail riding and fishing.

Royal Tine conducts classes that are geared more toward the serious outfitter guides with four and five week classes. They also hold a full two-week camp cook school for those looking to make a career from it. I am glad they hold the four-day class as that fits my wants and needs right now.

I will be taking my camera so will have more to write about this experience in early summer.