Thursday, January 22, 2009

Past and Future

Time to catch up with my blog. Here is just a short note on the recent past and a planned spring vacation.

The recent past:
With the snow and rain things were a bit cold and soggy. I was lucky compared to many; damage wise I only had the kennel roof collapse. It is still somewhat usable so will get fixed as time permits. It keeps the dogs out of the rain, though has some interesting sags now. Otherwise the cold and wet was an inconvenience for me, devastation for many others.

My upcoming vacation:
I am on a count down to my spring learning vacation. I have signed up for a four-day camp cook school. The class is held by Royal Tine out in the beautiful Phillipsburg, Montana area. The class covers all sorts of methods to cook when camping with no power. I’ve wanted to learn Dutch oven cooking and this will be a huge step in that direction. Other activities will include trail riding and fishing.

Royal Tine conducts classes that are geared more toward the serious outfitter guides with four and five week classes. They also hold a full two-week camp cook school for those looking to make a career from it. I am glad they hold the four-day class as that fits my wants and needs right now.

I will be taking my camera so will have more to write about this experience in early summer.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I look forward to you coming back and teaching us about Dutch Oven cooking... Maybe we can get the smoker set up and running and do some 8 hour roasts to go along with the goodies that you whip up :)